Burmese starred tortoise
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- Burmese starred tortoise
- Geochelone platynota
- ビルマホシガメ
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Video list of #Burmese starred tortoise (6 results)
Snake & Turtle (Morikirara, Nagasaki, Japan)DAY:Apr 22, 2019
Burmese starred tortoise (Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Aichi, Japan)DAY:Nov 18, 2017
Burmese starred tortoise (Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens, Aichi, Japan)DAY:Nov 18, 2017
Burmese starred tortoiseRadiated tortoise (Sunshine Aquarium, Tokyo, Japan)DAY:May 10, 2018
Burmese starred tortoise (Sunshine Aquarium, Tokyo, Japan)DAY:Nov 12, 2017
Burmese starred tortoise & Star tortoise (Kusatsu Tropical Wonderland, Gunma, Japan)DAY:Nov 11, 2018
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